Jerimoth Hill
Background information:
Altitude: 812'
Tidbits: Highest point in Rhode Island
Summitted, November 13, 2004
Time Zone: GMT -5 hours
When to go:
The summit is easily accessible HOWEVER you must traverse private property to get there. As of the date of my climb, there were an extremely limited number of days in which the property owner granted access. I understand that with new owners this requirement was changed but check first.
I "climbed" on the last open access day scheduled, which was November 13, 2004. The the HIGHPOINTERS club website for future access dates (http://www.highpointers.org).
Route Selection:
There is only one route which is a dirt road that is located behind an iron gate off Route 101 just past the Connecticut/Rhode Island border.
Hotel and Climb Reservation:
No guide, permit, or trail reservations are required, however, you can legally access the land on days where the owner has given permission.
Packing List:
Nothing special.
Getting There:
Rt. 101 about 5.5 miles west of where Rts. 101 and 102 meet in Connecticut (less than a mile from the CT./Rhode Island border).
Trip Description:
After parking along the side of the road and snapping a photo-op with the State Point of Interest sign located along Rt. 101 (NOTE: This point is recognized as an "official" substitute for the actual highpoint), I hiked for about 90 seconds down a dirt road (with about 5 feet of elevation gain) to reach a small clearing. The summit is next to a small boulder located to your right as you enter the clearing.

Trailhead by road

Path to summit area

Summit Selfie