Mount Davidson
Background Information:
Altitude: 927'
Tidbits: Highest point in San Francisco County
Summitted, September 20, 2005
When to go:
The park is open year-round. The trail-head is located off Lansdale Avenue. Because the summit is located within a metropolitan area (and not very high) I wasn't expecting much, but the place was surreal...shrouded in fog, with Eucalyptus trees adding a pleasant scent, I had the mountain to myself. At the summit (which is at the end of a trail that is only about 1000' long, is a HUGE cross that towers into the sky. The cross was placed there in the 1930's in remembrance of the Armenians killed during the early 1900's.


Cross located at the summit

A closeup of the HUGE cross to give a sense of scale