Background Information:
Altitude: 958'
Tidbits: Highest point in Lithuania
Summitted, September 1, 2005
When to go:
Anytime, although there is questionable snow removal service on the last mile or two of roadway in the winter.
Route Selection:
The trail is a brief walk up a small hill in the middle of nowhere.
Getting there and Hotel and Climb Reservation:
The summit is located approximately midway between the Lithuanian capital of Vilnius and Kiev. No guide, permit, or trail reservations are required. You will never find the summit without hiring a car and driver to get you there since there are few meaningful signs along the way directing you to your destination. Even with a driver, they can probably get you to the turnoff from the paved road onto a small gravel road (with a sign indicating the direction of the summit)...there are no further signs, however, if you look to the left about a minute or two down the gravel road, you should see the cross that marks the summit (it is down the first main turn-off on the original gravel road that you went down). There is an obvious pull-off to the right with a large rock and cross at the top of the hill.
If you are visiting Lithuania, you will find the capital of Vilnius to be a surprisingly beautiful and sophisticated city. I stayed at the Radisson hotel and the service, rates and rooms were all surprisingly good. I strongly recommend a side trip to Trakai, a small lake-strewn village with the only (incredibly beautiful) island-castle in eastern Europe.
to the roof and then finally exits into the Basilica itself.

Trakai castle just outside Vilnius

Ruins near the summit area

Farm near the summit area

Summit marker

Summit selfie