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Hoosier High Point

Background information:


Altitude: 1,257'


Tidbits:  Highest point in Indiana.


Summitted, September 1, 2012


Time Zone: GMT -6 hours


When to go:

The summit is reachable any time of year.


Route Selection:

No selection is required.  Walk up the path/dirt roadway to the "summit".


Packing List:

Nothing special.


Getting There:

Turn west on County Line Road in Bethel for about 1 mile and then turn left onto Elliot Road. Continue about a third of a mile and the highpoint pull-out will be on the right. The highpoint area is marker and the highpoint itself is located about 200 feet down the dirt road/path. 


Trip Description:

After driving through a road in the middle of a corn field, I turned onto another road that went through a corn field. At the intersection of the next road, drive down the road through the cornfield and park along side the cornfield. Is there a theme here?  The scenery is nice (if you like looking at cornfields). There is (obviously) no view, except a view of a cornfield. 

Parking on the road next to the cornfield that accesses the highpoint marker


The summit sign on the road next to the cornfield


The high point marker


Summit selfie


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