Mount Jamanota
Background information:
Altitude: 620'
Tidbits: Highest point in Aruba.
Technically, this is a hill, not a mountain.
One of the few places on Earth where you can look at two oceans/seas simultaneously.
Summitted, January 26, 2008
Time Zone: GMT -8 hours
Maps: None
When to go:
Route Selection:
There is only one way to get to the top�along a dirt trail in the Arikok National Park.
Hotel and Climb Reservation:
No guide, permit, or trail reservations are required. There are numerous excellent hotels located throughout Aruba. The trail will be no more than 45 minutes from virtually any point in the country.
Packing List:
Standard light hiking gear and water for a short day hike.
Trip Description:
Since I'm more of a mountain person than a beach person, you can imagine my dismay about being on a small island with no mountains for 5 days...something's got to give. So, I gave up happy hour at the hotel and headed for Arikok National Park. There is only one way to get to the actual trailhead, and most of the streets don't have signs, so I can't be much help with the directions here since I got lost several times myself (see map below). I do recall that the last stretch of the "road" was a steep and deeply rutted rock and dirt trail that my two-wheel drive vehicle BARELY cleared, so think twice before taking your rental care to the trailhead.
Once you arrive, there is a small parking area outlined with stones and a short (1/2 mile or so) moderate hike to the summit. The summit contains a radio tower, but has slightly above average views of the arid landscape and ocean. It can get quite hot, so bring water.


A (poor) map of the area

Trail toward summit

Summit View

Summit selfie