Cheaha Mountain
Background information:
Altitude: 2,405'
Tidbits: Highest point in Alabama
Summitted, April 2, 2017
Time Zone: GMT -5 hours
When to go:
Route Selection:
Hotel and Climb Reservation:
Packing List:
Getting There:
The high point is located in Cheaha State Park off State Road 281. After entering the park proceed about 3/4 of a mile to the historic structure located at the highpoint. The USGS marker is located on the entry-walk to the tower.
Trip Description:
Not much to tell, the area is very nice surrounded by forest. There is a nice lookout down a long walkway as you are driving up the road to the park.

Park Entry sign

Observation Tower at the high point

USGS Marker (located near observation tower walkway)

Summit selfie

View from the area within the park